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Wendy Atterberry

Wendy Atterberry

Contributing writer for The Frisky

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Helen Fisher

Helen Fisher

Anthropologist, author and advisor to Chemistry.com

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Amber Dotts

Amber Dotts

Motivational speaker and coach of workshop series "The Three...

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Workin' It Out

Workin' It Out

Does the smell of printer paper and bad coffee make you nostalgic...

Listen Up!

Listen Up!

A sultry voice could signal sexy curves ahead.

Who's Your Wingman?

Who's Your Wingman?

He or she's got your back, and will cancel out your cheesy...

Wainy Day Love

Wainy Day Love

Comedian David Wain pokes fun at jerky daters.

The Critical Seven Rules to Understand People

The Critical Seven Rules to...

If you want to relate better to others, put yourself in their...

How (and Where) to Meet People

How (and Where) to Meet People

Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and meet...

Giddy up? or Whoa, Nellie!

Giddy up? or Whoa, Nellie!

You’ve been through a painful divorce and you’...
